In 2011, the team introduced FIRST to the country. With the integration of new teams in our national territory, including the demonstration of our project to the president Felipe Calderón in his official residence for the second time, and many other events.
This year, Mexico’s city government, through the Instituto de la Juventud del D.F., acknowledged the merit and effort of Panteras with a honorific mention in the Youth’s Award in the category “Mérito cívivo, ambiental y de labor social”
It’s in 2011 when our team won the Chairman’s Award in Dallas, TX. Just like that we won the Finalist Alliance in the FTC regional in Mexico (3141 and 4892).
We added the best internet website and 3D Autodesk Design to our recognitions. Both in Dallas, TX.
In VEX, Panteras won the Excellence Award in the Mexico´s tournament and attended the VEX’s World competition in Walt Disney World, Florida.